
Surprise! March Calendar 2008 Shows Up On Time! *GASP*


Not a hoax!  

March 2008 Calendar is up!




Shocking “City Champs” STORE FINAL List Announced!

City Champs

It’s officially official!

Our “City ChampsSTORE FINAL list has finally been made final:

Rank Player Name Player Points
1 Travis G. Towns 15
2 Ian D. Haliburton 13
3 Marcel Angelo Zafra 12
4 Jeffrey D. Konowalchuk 11
5 Lane J. Budgell 8
6 Evan Suclin 8
7 Dave Apperley 8
8 Ashraf A. Rushdy 7

Come out and catch the Store Finals on Saturday, March 15 at 1 PM and keep in mind that spectators are to remain quiet during any/all DCI games.

Feeling like playing a few Standard (Type 2) games yourself?

Get ready for a series of Standard events every Friday at 6 PM in March as a part of FNM (win foil DCIEternal Witness“es!




February Calendar Posted, March Calendar On The Way!

I know, I know! I'm late!

February 2008 Calendar is up!




Evan Suclin Wins “City Champs” Week 7!


Saturday, February 9, 2008- Evan Suclin wins City Champs Week 7: “Morningtide Booster Draft!”

What a day! Evan played against and defeated three top-notch players: Willem J., John J., and then John N.! I’m sure we’ll Evan win more events in the future too! Nice job, Evan!

Now, if we could only get him to face the right direction when we take pictures… =) 




Star Wars Minis: Sunday, Feb 10: 200 Point Armies “All Damage From Melee Attacks Are Critical Hits”

Star Wars Miniatures

There’s a lot of talk about our Star Wars Minis theme event for Sunday, February 10 at 1 PM: 200 Point Armies “All Damage From Melee Attacks Are Critical Hits.” But, we’re making a small change and clarifying a few things:

1. All characters will gain Avoid Defeat (“If a character with this special ability is defeated, it makes two saves, each needing a roll of 11 to succeed. If both rolls are successful, then the character is not defeated: instead it remains in play with 10 health“). NOTE: multiple instances of Avoid Defeat do not stack.

Think of it this way: instead of making rolls to attack (for characters with the keyword “Melee“) we’re going to rolling to see if these characters survive (by rolling for “Avoid Defeat“).

2. We should define: “Critical Hit” = A hit that strikes a vital area and deals extra damage. Critical hits occur when the attacker rolls a natural 20 on the attack roll (when the d20 comes up 20). A character who scores a critical hit deals double its normal damage. If the attack deals bonus damage, then critical hits doubles the base damage but not the bonus damage.

So, if you have a character with base damage 10 and he has Jedi Hunter (+4 attack and +10 damage vs characters with a Force Rating), rolls a critical hit, then you double his base damage (10 x 2) and add the bonus damage last so: (10 x 2) + 10 = 30 damage.

Keep in mind, that our theme for the week after (Feb 17) is: “All Damage From Non-Melee Attacks Are Critical Hits.” That means special abilities like Disintegration will trigger.

3. “Droid” characters do not take double damage from critical hits. Pretty straight forward: the character has to have the keyword “Droid” on his/her card.

4. In order for your character to benefit from this theme event, he/she has to have the keyword “Melee” on his/her card.

Next week (Feb 17) when we chanage the theme to: “All Damage From Non-Melee Attacks Are Critical Hits“ to take advantage of this theme, all characters on your team shouldn’t have the keyword “Melee” on his/her card.

Have fun guys!




Darth Vader Sighting: On The Move With The Sithlord!

Darth Vader

Okay, let’s say that you’re Darth Vader:

*You’ve kicked major ass in like 4 movies

*Helped build a Deathstar

*Had your own Rockband (see previous post)

What’s a Sithlord to do next?

Get a scooter and hit the streets! ya know, it must be impossible to shoulder-check with that helmet on… But hey, if you’re Darth Vader, people will make room for you on the road!

Anyone else have some fun (keep it clean) pictures? I’ll post them on this website, just drop by the store and show me the url.




Cheeseburger In A Can!

Cheeseburger In A Can

I gotta ask:

How good could it be?

The cheeseburger in the picture looks like a tasty burger, indeed, but could a cheeseburger in a can thats been sitting on a shelf for a month or two be all that tempting? Dunno.

You can order it online at:

For only 3.95 Euros (I think that works out to about $8 CAN?)!

Next question would be:

Can I get fries in a can with that?



(Photo Courtesy Of!)



Star Wars

Don’t know what I had, but it’s pretty much gone now. For some reason, the only thing I can remember about last Sunday is cake and dyed red (pink?) hair. *shrugs*

I honestly can’t think of the theme we all agreed upon- or even if we came to a definitive concensus on what the next Star Wars Miniatures event should be. Anyways, we’re going to try something different:


Sunday, February 3, 2008 at 1 PM: 200 Point Armies “ALL GREEN TERRAIN LINES BECOME PIT AREAS”


Which means, only characters with flight (or Wall Crawler if terrain permits) may move through GREEN TERRAIN lines and pit areas- just to clarify since GREEN TERRAIN lines are now pit areas, characters will not be able to stop in them, unless they fail to roll their saving throw (see errata below- Yes, that means actually read the errata, Scott =) ). Also, cover will be limited to when a character peeks out of a PURPLE TERRAIN line, because pit areas do not provide cover- pit areas are low level terrain, pit areas aren’t something your character can hide behind or hide inside.

Oh I almost forgot, characters with Force Push (and Force Repulse) will have an extra advantage in this scenario. Here’s the official errata:

“If a character is involuntarily moved onto a pit square, stop its movement in the nearest square adjacent to the pit and make a save of 11. On a successful save, the character remains adjacent to the pit. On a failure, it is defeated. Characters with abilities that allow them to enter pit squares (such Flight) make a save of 6 instead.”

Have fun with this one kids! 




Darth Vader Sighting: Help A Sithlord Out!

Darth Vader Sighting

That’s right, everyone cheered when Luke blew the crap out of the Deathstar I. But what about our good friend, Darth Vader?

Sadly, our favourite Jedi Hunter has been reduced to panhandling and the like.

If anyone sees DV out on the streets, I encourage you to donate whatever you can to him. I’ll do my best to keep you all posted on his struggles.




(Photo Courtesy Of!)


Darth Vader Starts Rock Band, Fans Rejoice!

Darth Vader

Move over Max Reebo!

Cya, Sy Snoodles!

The Dark Lord Of  The Sith wants to get his groove on “Guitar Hero” style! Always kinda wondered (well, not really) what music DV listened to. Sinatra? Backstreet Boys? Emminem? Maybe some Miles Davis? I guess that’s a secret that onlu George Lucas and John Williams will know the answer to…

Seriously though, Jarod C has promised to bring his Wii Guitar this Sunday, January 20 so we can have guitar wars! Everyone welcome. Let’s hope Jarod remembers…



(Photo Courtesy Of The Best Gadget Website On The ‘Net!)